


St Richard’s Mission Statement

Comitas, Scientia, Caritas

St Richard’s Catholic College is a community where all are welcomed in the spirit of Christian love and respect.

Our school encourages the wonder and joy of learning in order to ensure that every pupil reaches their full potential.

We enable all to flourish and grow together in friendship and in faith.

We aspire to be courageous, having the integrity and the spiritual strength to make a positive difference in the world, both now and in the future. We endeavour to cherish our school motto of Community, Knowledge and Charity.

‘I have come so that all may have life, and have it to the full.’ (John 10:10)


We are fortunate to have a strong Chaplaincy team, led by our Lay Chaplain, Jo Doyle. She is assisted by Liturgy Captains and Vice-Captains who are elected each year from Year 10 and Year 11 pupils. We are also supported by Priests who lead the sacramental programmes of the school. The Priests are regularly in school and are available to staff, pupils and parents. They lead assemblies, our full school Masses on special occasions and on Holy Days of Obligation.



What Do We Do?

The year Masses and form Masses are celebrated on a rota basis by the Priests of both Deaneries. We are fortunate to have a chapel on site and this is used for Liturgy on a regular basis. Each form group will have a designated Mass or Service in the chapel. Two form groups join together, working collaboratively to create the liturgy themselves. The Priests, together with the Lay Chaplain, are always ready to assist with the preparation of form and year Masses. 


Twice a year in Advent and Lent, pupils are provided the opportunity to receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation. 


“They are blessed to have the Blessed Sacrament in the chapel. It serves as the spiritual centre of the school and is an inspiration for teachers and pupils. It is open all day.” –  Section 48 Diocesan Report 2018

Each year group receives an assembly, these are occasions when the college comes together as a community in prayer and worship.  Assemblies are led by the Principal, the Vice Principal, Assistant Principals, Pastoral Leaders and the Lay Chaplain. Within the life of a Catholic college, the prayer life is an essential element of faith development.  

Each week, collective worship in the form of a set of slides created by the Lay Chaplain, is sent to all staff, to lead a prayer at the start of every registration, these can be read by the teacher or pupils. The day is then ended with a prayer or reading to reflect on the day.  Grace should be said before the start of lunch a slide for this is provided by the lay chaplain. An example of these Slides can be found in the section on prayer resources.

“Collective worship is central to the life of the school. Acts of collective worship are given a high profile and are well resourced. There are extensive and varied opportunities for prayer and worship. Pupils confirmed that prayer is part of daily life in the school; it is not something added on to the day.” –  Diocesan Section 48  Report 2018

Liturgy Reps

Each form has a designated Liturgy Rep who attends meetings, passes on notices and helps with liturgical jobs around the school. Liturgy Reps are also involved in Fairtrade events and Charity events. The Liturgy Reps are responsible for the setting up of Masses or services, planning and linking with the Lay Chaplain about their Form and year services and promoting the Spiritual life of the school.